Public Audiences

Public audiences are segments RainBarrel builds and maintains that are available for all users of DV360 and The Trade Desk via their third-party audience marketplaces. Audiences refresh on Mondays at 5am MT.

When searching for RainBarrel audiences, it helps to understand our taxonomy:

Hierarchy: RainBarrel > Product > Country > Class > Type > Description (ID)

Example: RainBarrel > Public > Canada > All Visitors > Brand > My Audience (IJFRZSS4) 


Either a public or custom audience. Custom audiences gets pushed to a specific account.


The specific country the data in the audiences was collected from.

Audience Class

All Visitors

Includes all devices found within the POI boundaries

Frequent Visitors

Requires at least three visits to any single target POI

Visitors of Multiple Locations

Requires devices to be found at a minimum of two different POIs

Audience Type


Uses all POIs associated with selected brands to produce audiences

Top Categories

Allows a large amount of flexibility for campaigns to select specific POIs such as locations of a single competitor's brand, to broader industry classifications such as all competing brands in the same industry classification

Sub Categories 

Used to target specific spaces within the top category such as "Full-Service Restaurants" in the scope of "Restaurants and other Eating Places"

Category Tag 

Fine-tuned POI locations by categorizing businesses by distinguishing between tags such as "Breakfast," "Lunch," or "Dinner" establishments


The specific brand or category for the audience.


RainBarrel ID to look up the audience on or a DSP.